2,633 research outputs found

    Teaching Competency and Self Concept of Elementary Teachers: A Correlational Study

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to study the teaching skills of elementary teachers in relation to their self -concept. Method: In first of sampling a list of the MCD schools and private schools situated in East zone of Delhi was obtained. Out of 203 MCD Schools in East Delhi, 40 schools were selected randomly. Similarly, out of 54 private schools, 20 schools were selected randomly. In second phase of sampling equal no of teachers from both types of schools were selected.  The data was collected from 120 teachers, 60 of private and 60 of Government School, (MCD Schools) teachers teaching in Delhi. To measure the Teaching competency of teachers a   teaching competency scale was developed by the researcher herself. The scale covers the items on Questioning, Explaining, Explaining, Illustrating with Example, Illustrating with Example, Reinforcement, Stimulus Variation, Encouraging Pupil Participation, Dramatization, Narration, Recitation and Classroom Management.Self -Concept was measured by using Self Concept Questionnaire by R K Sarswat (1984) was used.  The inventory contains 48 items. It provides six separate dimensions of self-concept i.e. physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual self-concept. It also gives a total self-concept score. The alternatives given in SCQ were arranged in such a way that the scoring system for all the items would remain the same i.e. 5,4,3,2,1 whether the items were positive or negative. The summated score of all the items provides the total self-concept score of an individual. A high score on the questionnaire indicates a higher self-concept, while a low score shows lower self-concept.Findings: Female are more competent and skillful more flexible, adaptive and creative found in various studies. Influence of age on teaching skill as individual learns through experiences as age increases knowledge increases.  Experience and age both goes hand in hand. As if age increases competency also enhanced. Male teachers are less competent because they play a major role in the family more involvement in other fields. Keywords: Teaching Skills, Elementary Teacher


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    Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) refers to a complex of cyclical and recurrent physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms that occur specifically in luteal phase and remain for minimum three consecutive menstrual cycles. Up to 80% of women of child bearing age report with few mild symptoms of PMS prior to menstruation. But clinically significant PMS is seen only in 3 to 8% of women. Its more severe form, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) has listed one among the Depressive mental disorders by American Psychiatric Association. Premenstrual Syndrome, an often neglecting medical condition due to social taboo of not discussing the issue of menstruation, was not considered as a disease earlier due to unawareness of the grave symptoms of the disease. Till now, the disease is a medical mystery with unknown cause and without any specific proved diagnosis and medication in modern medicine. This article is merely an attempt to relate PMS with Pittavritta Vyana Vata, which is an Avaranajanya Vyadhi. In Rituvyateetakala which is compared mainly with the luteal phase, there is Pittakopavastha and Vatasanchayavastha. With excess intake of Pittakar Nidan in Rituvyateetakala, Sanchita Vata specifically Vyana Vayu gets Avritta with Kupita Pitta and manifested in the form of Sarvanga Daha, Santapa, Klama etc. So the disease PMS can be managed and treated on the line of Pittavritta Vyana Vayu so as to provide relief from its deleterious effects and improve her family and social life

    Myrmica elmesi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) a new species from Himalaya

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    Myrmica elmesi sp. n. is described from Himalaya. This species belongs to the pachei group of Myrmica speciesand is distinct from the species described in this group hitherto, which is represented by 14 species including three from Indian Himalaya. Myrmica elmesi is the fourth species of the diverse pachei group found in Himalaya; it was collected from the transitional zone and is described with notes on its ecology, this gains significance in the sense that ecology of most of the old world Myrmica is either unknown or poorly known

    A systematic review on Drug Re-profiling/Re-Purposing

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    Hardcore capability of drug repurposing has allowed rising population of diversified diseased patients to approach various medications with known safety profiles. In an ongoing scenario considering current pharmaceutical market, we have numerous drugs that are approved and repurposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Developing and bringing a novel drug molecule from the laboratory to a market requires a lot of investment in terms of money, efforts, and time. On the other hand, repurposing a drug holds the capability of bringing out best cures with harmless, ease availability and inexpensive quality. Sildenafil, Chloroquine, Metformin are some examples of repurposed drug used in multiple disease models. Despite numerous challenges, drug repurposing stood to be a core component to any comprehensive drug re-discovering strategies which has been planned to bring benefit to the patients suffering from a wide variety of dreadful ailments. In this review, we have discussed the various repurposed drugs in numerous types of cancer, deadly novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and some orphan diseases. This paper holds various examples of drugs which are still under clinical trial and have high chances of being approved as repurposed drugs benefitting humankind

    A Study on the Effect of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on People of an Organization

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    The ultimate objective of any organizational initiative to install ERP system is to reveal some advantage, whether it is associated with cost savings, improved efficiencies, or better decision-making. These systems can in the long run save millions of dollars, improve quality of information, and increase workers’ productivity by reducing the amount of time to do a job. ERP systems can virtually eliminate the redundancies that occur from outdated and disparate systems that may be present in each department of an organization. This paper highlights the effect of ERP systems on the people of an organization. The results indicated that employees, customers and suppliers were benefitted due to installation of ERP systems while external agencies were not affected due to ERP systems


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    The meaning of color white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completeness. It is the color produced by the combination of all the colors of visible spectrum.The color white belongs to ancient history. During the Paleolithic age, the artists used calcite and in chalk in their paintings. Egyptians connected it with their goddess Isis,who only dressed in white linen and hence used to wrap mummies.White was often associated with mother’s milk, in Greek mythology .White is the color of the human eye sees when it senses light which contains all the wave lengths of the visible spectrum. Mostly white animals have their color as a form of camouflage in winter such as dove,ivory gull,swans,arctic fox, white pearls produced by mollusk and when talking of its horrifying side it symbolizes ghosts and phantoms in many cultures/civilization. In India, white is worn on various rituals and often associated with sadness especially when somebody dies. Unlike other things, white also plays an important role in our diet.White is associated with the top of the color spectrumand, inAsian medicine, with strengthening to the lungs and large intestines .White fruits and vegetables contain nutrients such as beta-glucans, EGCG, SDG, and lignans that provide powerful immune boosting activity. These nutrients also activate natural killer B and T cells, reduce the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers, and balance hormone levels, reducing the risk of hormone-related cancers.White foods are often rich in sulfur and Quercetin. May reduce the risk of cancer and help the body get rid of cancer causing chemicals.e.g. buckwheat, cauliflower ,coconut, garlic, green onion, millet,mushrooms, sunflower seeds, tofu, white beans, corn, white eggplant, white radishes

    Short Answer Open-Ended versus Multiple-Choice Questions: A Comparison of Objectivity

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    Objectives: We designed our study with the hypothesis that open ended Short Answer type Questions (SAQs), no matter how carefully framed, cannot be as objective as Multiple Choice type Questions (MCQs).Methods: The study was conducted on 1st year MBBS students (n=99) studying at AIIMS, Jodhpur. Awritten test on 'Blood & Immunity' was conducted containing same questions in two formats; twelve MCQs (type E) in section Aand 12 SAQs in section B. Maximum marks for all questions in both sections were equal. All the answers of section B were evaluated separately by two different examiners to reduce the subjectivity and a model answer sheet for both the sections was prepared and provided to both the examiners.Results: The difference in the scores in Section B SAQs that were evaluated by two different examiners was not statistically significant. Mean of the marks awarded by the two examiners was taken as the final score of each student in section B. The difference in the scores by the students in the two sections was also non-significant (p=0.14). A significant correlation (r=0.99, p<0.0001) was found in SAQ and MCQ scores. Bland- Altman analysis also showed no proportion of bias and the two methods of scoring were in agreement with each other.Conclusion: The results suggest that meticulously-framed open-ended short answer type questions can be as objective as multiple choice type questions.Keywords: Multiple choice questions, medical education, assessment, open-ended questions